Monday, June 13, 2011

Great House Blog Christine...

When I told a girlfriend last year that I had 3 blogs, she laughed and said there was no way I could keep them all up. I laughed and said "Not a problem." Well...since this is my second post in almost a YEAR, maybe she was right!

I'm pretty good about updating the other blogs (kids and books) but this one has been tough because I was planning on posting pictures when rooms are completely done. What I've learned is that no room is ever really completely done. I'm one of those people that wants to do it all: be the best mommy ever to my dimpled munchkins, be a fabulous wife, cook decent dinners, keep in touch with family and friends and keep a clean, organized house. Notice I didn't mention "decorate" the house...because that has not been on my priority list. However, now that Luke is sleeping through the night and I feel like a normal person again, I'm decorating a little more and our humble abode feels more "homey" every day.

So, in the interest of family and friends who live far away and want to see the house, I'm going to start posting pictures, even though the rooms aren't 100% done. Enjoy!

*this picture of the house is from last year, we've have the trees and bushes trimmed so you can actually see the house. Next up, the random 'Christmas tree' bushes next to the driveway will be removed. I want to put in crate myrtles...but since J.D. does all the gardening, we'll see!

1 comment:

  1. Hooray! I'm so glad you are back to this blog - I love to see the decorating!!!
